Principal Investigator
Award Type
Research Aid
Use of a Novel Anabolic Conjugate Drug on a Biomaterial for Bone Regeneration
University of Toronto
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Learning and Teaching the Business of Orthodontics
U of Jacksonville
Research Aid
Public Perception and Understanding of Risks of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Orthodontics. A Survey Study
Roseman University
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of the Influence of Three-Dimensional Basicranial Shape on Facial Asymmetry
U of California, San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T. M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / New Methods for Differential Diagnosis of Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Deformation and Growth of Midfacial Sutures During Bone Anchored Maxillary Protraction
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T. M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Maxillary Expansion in Tooth-Borne Versus Bone-Borne Palatal Expanders
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / 1) A Longitudinal Pilot Study of the Effects of Invisalign® on Upper Pharyngeal Airway Dimensions in Adult Patients with Class II Malocclusion: A CBCT and Sleep Questionnaire Study; 2) The Effect of Vibrational Appliances on Maxillary Canine Retraction and Perceived Pain: A Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
State University of New York at Buffalo
Detection and Management of Sleep Bruxism with Automated Mandibular Movement
State University of New York at Buffalo
Assessment of Patient Compliance During Orthodontic Treatment with the Use of a Smartphone App
Outcomes of Severed Class II Division I Malocclusions Treated with Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment Approaches: A Pilot Study to Explore the Viability of Orthodontic Practice Based Research Networks
Biomedical Research
Patient Safety Indicator Events in Craniofacial Patients Undergoing Orthognathic Surgery
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Award / Heritability of Smile Esthetics in Siblings without Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award
3-D Upper Airway Volume and Shape Comparison between High Risk and Low Risk Skeletal Class I and Class II Adults
U of Nevada - Las Vegas
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
U of Texas - Houston
Biomedical Research
Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Root Surface Changes and Resorption Following Rapid Maxillary Expansion: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Investigation
Biomedical Research
The Fred and Dianne Garrett Biomedical Research Award / Finding the etiology of familial oligodontia
U of Texas - Houston
A Comparative Study of Orthodontic Stability in Class I Extraction Cases
Baylor and U of Washington
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
"Title of Project: Faculty Development Plan & Research (Effects of Miniscrew-Supported Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Late Adolescents and Young Adults: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Rhinomanometry Study)"
Jacksonville University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
"Title of Project: Faculty Development Plan & Research (A 3D Assessment of long-term surface changes regarding the alignment of the anterior dentition in extraction and non-extraction cases)"
Jacksonville University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Research in Shape Memory Alloys and Smart Polymers for Orthodontic and Biomedical Applications
New Jersey Dental School
Research Aid
Orthodontic Digital Workflow: From 3D Printing to Appliance Fabrication
Stony Brook University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T. M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Ameloblastin Affects Cranial Bone Morphogenesis via Fibronectin and Heparin-Integrin Complex Pathways
Biomedical Research
The effect of microRNA-29 on orthodontic tooth movement
Biomedical Research
Roles of Secretory miRNA-21 and -29 during Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Biomedical Research
A Novel Nanoparticle Delivery System of miRNAs for Orthodontic Purposes
Biomedical Research
Roles of Micrornas in Osteocytes During Tooth
Biomedical Research
Evaluation of Positivity Rate of COVID-19 in Orthodontic Practice
Research Aid
The Effects of Biologics on Retention in an Orthodontic Relapse Model
Research Aid
Novel Machine Learning Approach to Examine Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Craniosynostosis
NYU - Langone Med. Center
Research Aid
Oral Inflammatory and Immune Responses During Early SARS-CoV-2 Infections
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill- Adams School of Dentistry
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Design and construction of a human mouth model (OFTMS)
U of Alberta
Research Aid Award
Friction and Dimensional Integrity of in-House Fully-Customizable 3D Printed Orthodontic Brackets
University at Buffalo
Factors Associated with Apical Root Resorption Studied by the Case Control Method
U of California - San Francisco
3M Unitek Corporate Center Award
Implementing the Information-sharing Activities of the Craniofacial Research Instrumentation Laboratory at the University of the Pacific
1999 - 2001
University of the Pacific School of Dentistry
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Three-dimensional Voxel-based Maxillary Superimposition for Everyday Practice
University of Kentucky
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Management Software for the University Environment: Where to Start?
Case Western Reserve
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Developing a Comprehensive Searchable Data Base of Orthodontic Records Used in Conjunction with the CBCT
Case Western Reserve
Bei, Marianna
The Role of the MSXL Gene in Tooth Development NO REPORT PROVIDED
Harvard U
Bei, Marianna
Biomedical Research
Bmps and Fgfs: Potential Downstream Geneses of Mxsl During Tooth Development NO REPORT PROVIDED
Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
Machine learning approaches for segmentation and integration of root canal and dental crown
University of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
Can Artificial Intelligence Approaches Predict the Need for Orthognathic Surgery?
University of the Pacific
Changes in root length from early to mid-adulthood in a normal untreated population: A longitudinal study
U of Iowa
Ormco Corporate Center Award
Iowa Center for the Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Growth and Development of the Dental Arches
2005 - 2008
U of Iowa
Research Aid Award
Evaluating Impacts of Orthognathic Surgery of Speech in Class III Dentofacial Disharmony Patients
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Center Award
Access to Care / Does increase Medicaid reimbursement result in increased access to care
2009 - 2011
U of Washington
Connexin 43 Expression in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Medical College of Georgia
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Soft tissue changes in response to orthodontic treatment
Marquette U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship / Soft tissue changes in response to orthodontic treatment
Research Aid
Operant Behavioral Instrument for Measuring Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain in Rodents
U of Florida
Radiographic Analysis of Differences in Apical Root Resorption Between Two Phase and Single Phase Orthodontic Treatment
U of California - San Francisco
Education Innovation
Pilot Program of Development and Multi-center Evaluation of Internet-based Graduate Orthodontic Educational Materials
U of North Carolina
GAC International Corporate Center Award
Digital Storage and Internet Distribution of the Records of the Bolton Brush Growth Study Center.
1999 - 2001
Case Western Reserve University
Biomedical Research
Nitric Oxide as a Mediator of Vascular Changes During Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Temple U
Biomedical Research
Disparities in Orthodontic Health in Southwestern Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
Ormco/"A" Company Corporate Center Award
Functional and Morphological Consequences of Early Orthodontic Treatment
1999 - 2001
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award / Masticatory Performance and Jaw Movements as Functional Outcomes of Orthodontic Therapy
Research Aid
Rapid Maxillary Expansion Alleviates Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Non-syndromic Children with Cleft Palate
U of California - San Francisco
Research Aid
Identifying Factors that Impact Orthodontist Decision Making, Job Satisfaction and Earning Potential
Univ of NC - Chapel Hill
Research Aid Award
Convolutional Neuro network and fluid dynamic analysis for Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) screening
University of Alberta
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / Project 1: (Barriers/Access to Care) The Effect of the Implementation of the HLD Index for Medicaid Patients on Access to Orthodontic Care in Illinois / Project 2: Linking Malocclusion and Body Mass Via Genetic Variants within the Hippo Signaling Pathway and Dietary Factors
U of Illinois - Chicago
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award
Molecular Regulation of Osteoblast Response by Mechanical Perturbation
Children's Hospital, Brigham Orthopedic
Biomedical Research
The Development Of Computer Software For Calibrating Landmark Identification On Frontal And Lateral Cephalograms
U of the Pacific
Biomedical Research
The Development of Computer Software For Precise Landmark Identification On High-Resolution Frontal And Lateral Cephalograms
U of the Pacific
Evaluating the Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) On Anxiety in Pediatric Dental Patients
Improving Orthodontic Appliance Compliance with Objective Wear Time Tracking
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / 3D Characterization of Facial Asymmetry
U of North Carolina
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship
Award / 3D Superimposition of Soft Tissue Changes
U of North Carolina
Cevidanes, Lucia
Biomedical Research Award
Decision Support System for Early Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis of the Temporo-mandibular Joints
U of Michigan
Biomedical Research
Imaging and Biological Markers of TMJ Osteoarthritis
U of Michigan
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Integrative Predictors of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis
U of Michigan
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
Effects of Sustained Release of RANKL on Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Biomedical Research
The role of TGF-B1 and TGF-B3 in calvarial bone cell differentiation
Temple University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Critical Evaluation of an Early Phase Orthodontic Treatment Protocol Geared Specifically for Low Socioeconomic Families
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Robert James Bray Biomedical Research Award / Role of Alpha-2 Macroglobulin (A2M) Signaling Pathway in Mediating TMJ Degeneration
Columbia University
Research Aid
Investigating PRG4 Re-expression as a Treatment for TMJ Degenerative Disease
University of Conneticut
Biomedical Research
Role of Geroscience-Guided Therapeutics in Oral Health Problems of Aging
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / Effect of high frequency vibration on alveolar bone density during orthodontic tooth movement - A pilot project
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Re-evaluating Principles in Delivering a More Esthetic Smile. New Direction in Diagnosis and Treatment Execution.
University of Alabama, Birmingham
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Maxillary sagittal and vertical displacement induced by surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion (RPE)
U of Pennsylvania
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
Maimonides Medical Center
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Physiological and Psychological Factors Affecting the Pain Response During Orthodontic Treatment and the Individual Adaptation to Changes in Dental Occlusion
Biomedical Research Award
Investigating novel mechanisms of muscular temporomandibular disorders
Biomedical Research Award
Exploring a Novel Brain Circuit in Chronic Muscular Temporomandibular Disorders
Research Aid Award
Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Treatment of Retained Es with no Permanent Successors
State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo
Conley, Richard Scott
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award
Research Aid Award
The Role of NF-kB in Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Orthodontic Tooth Movement
University of Pennsylvania
Biomedical Research
Organ Culture As A Model For Early Molecular Events During Distraction Osteogenesis
Texas A&M / Baylor
Research Aid
Investigating Local vs. Systemic Effects of Tissue Nonspecific Alkaline Phosphatase (TNAP) on Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Formation
Univ of Michigan
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Illinois
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / Role of Osteoblastic HIF Signaling as an Upstream Factor In Osteoclast Maturation-Activation
U of Oklahoma
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Role of Osteoblastic HIF Signaling as an Upstream Factor in Osteoclast Maturation-Activation
U of Oklahoma
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / Orthodontics and Craniofacial Anomalies with Emphasis on Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME)
U of Illinois at Chicago
Creation of an Internet-Accessible Bolton-Brush Growth Study WWW (World-Wide-Web) Digital Cephalogram Database
Case Western Reserve U
Biomedical Research
Does Dental Alveolar Bone adhere to Wolff's Law?
U of Washington
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of Rochester /Eastman Dental
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
The Ohio State University
Biomedical Research
Burstone-Indiana Biomechanics Award
Stability of self-tapping and drilling miniscrews by biomechanical evaluation
The Ohio State University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
2005 2006 2007
U of Tennessee
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Creation, Development and Validation of a Mouse Model TMD
NYU - College of Dentistry
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Award / Dolognawmeter Assay for Rats: Validation of a Behavioral of Orofacial Nocioception
Biomedical Research
Analysis Of Immediate Early Gene Expression During Orthodontic Movements In Rats
SUNY - Buffalo / U of Florida
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Teaching Enhancement Award / Loan Program
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Teaching Enhancement Award / "Multisite Clinical Trial of Rigid VR Wire Fixation"
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Teaching Enhancement Award
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Florida
Biomedical Research
Genetic Studies on Human Primary Failure of Eruption
U of Texas - Houston
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program
West Virginia U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Long-term Effects of Botox Injection into the Muscles of Mastication in the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / BMP2 Mediated Anabolic Effect of Intermittent PTH on the Madibular Condylar Cartilage
U of Connecticut
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
The effects of intermittent administration of PTH and Alendronate on the mandibular condylar cartilage
University of Connecticut Health
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
FGFR3 signaling in mediating the effects of PTH on TMJ chondrocytes
University of Connecticut Health
Biomedical Research
The Effects of FGF18 in a Mouse Model for TMJ Cartilage Degradation
University of Connecticut
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
U of Minnesota
Biomedical Research
Outcome of Mandibular Distraction in Adult Orthodontic Patients
U of Illinois
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
Implementation of Dental Remote Monitoring Technology in Orthodontics: A prospective clinical study for access to care through the application of teledentistry
University of Illinois, Chicago
Research Aid Award
Factors Perceived by Patients and Providers to Influence the Use of Teleorthodontics during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
University of Illinois
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
Optimizing Orthodontic Appliances Efficiency with Remote Dental Monitoring
University of Illinois, Chicago
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Does Malocclusion affect Masticatory Performance and is being published by the Angle Orthodontists in 2002?
Research Aid
Comparison between Imaging Software Packages for Three Dimensional Measurements of the Upper Airway Volume and Accuracy of 3D Superimposition
Case Western Reserve Univ
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Comparing 3D tooth movement when implementing the same virtual setup on different software packages
Case Western Reserve Univ
Gingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Cytokines, Lysosomal and Cytoplasmic Enzymes in Young Patients Undergoing Rapid Palatal Expansion
Columbia U
Developing and Testing a Model to Determine Adolescents' Adherence to Orthodontic Treatments
How Does a Popular Acne Medication (cis-Isotretenoin) Affect Sutural and Dental Movement and Relapse in the Rat Model?
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
James A. McNamara Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
Learning objectives for predoctoral orthodontics curricular content in the level of growth and development
U of Missouri Kansas City
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Curriculum Content in Clinical Skills Development in Orthodontics for Predoctoral and Advanced Education Programs
U of Missouri Kansas City
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Alberta
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) that did Quantified Cusped Tooth Movement with Light Forces
U of Alberta
Biomedical Research
Robert L. Boyd Biomedical Research Award / Etiology and Consequences of Nasal Airway Obstruction
U of Alberta
Biomedical Research Award
Influence of oral microbiome and Stephan curve kinetics in white spot lesion development in orthodontic patients wearing fixed appliances
U of Alberta
Biomedical Research Award
An exploration into the paradox of midfacial hypoplasia and pediatric upper airway obstruction: probing intrinsic defects in bone/cartilage differentiation
U of Alberta
Biomedical Research Award
ACharacterization of Aerosols Generated by Various Dental Procedures and Their Relevance to COVID19: Clinical study
U of Alberta
Research Aid
Mandibular movement analysis during sleep following Class II correction with functional orthopedic appliances
University at Buffalo
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / The Genetic Basis of Tooth Agenesis
U of Texas - Houston
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award / The Genetic Basis of Tooth Agenesis
U of Texas - Houston
Expression of Growth Factors and Their Receptors in the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage in Response to Biomechanical and Hormonal Stimuli
Biomedical Research
Analysis of Osteoblast Gene Expression by Subtractive Cloning
U of Texas - San Antonio
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Growth in the Cranial Base Synchondroses
U of Texas - San Antonio
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Molecular Basis for the Growth of the Cranial Base Synchondroses
U of Texas - San Antonio
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / Molecular Basis for the Growth of the Cranial Base Synchondroses
U of Texas - San Antonio
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Growth in Cranial Base
U of Texas - San Antonio
Biomedical Research
Oral Appliance and Pharmacologic Agents in the Treatment of Sleep Apnea: A Pilot Clinical Study
University of Illinois at Chicago
Bonding Brackets and Attachments to Non-Enamel Substrates
Case Western Reserve Univ
Research Aid Award
Antibiotic Disruption of Commensal Microbiota Alters Signaling in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Airway Analysis in Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Correlation of Abnormalities and Sleep Apnea in Down Syndrome
Research Aid
Bond strength of a resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive: An in vivo study
West Virginia U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Nova Southeastern U.
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Calcium Receptor-mediated Regulation of Osteoblasts
1999 - 2001
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization of Twirler Mice
U of Michigan
Center Award
Development of a Three-Dimensional in Vitro Model System to Study Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of Toronto
Post-Doctoral Faculty
Genetics of Temporomandibular Joint Development and Growth
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
The Effects of FGF18 in a Mouse Model for TMJ Cartilage Degradation
University of Pittsburgh
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Washington
Biomedical Research
Orthodontic brackets coated with antimicrobial peptides to prevent formation of white spot lesions
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Pursue the Excellence in Orthodontic Teaching and Research
U of New York at Buffalo
Biomedical Research
Odontogenesis-Specific Bmp4 Promoter Regions in Fugu Genome
Research Aid
Bone Adaptation During Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats
U of Kentucky
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award / Histological Analyses of Orthodontic Tooth Movement in a Rodent Model Using Skeletal Anchorage and Light Forces
University of Louisville
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
A Novel Nitric Oxide-Releasing Elastomeric Chain: Development of an Antimicrobial Orthodontic Ligature
University of Louisville School of Dentistry
Haas, Dennis
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship - NO REPORT PROVIDED
Indiana U
Biomedical Research
Randomized Clinical Trial of a Dental Device for Treatment of Snoring and/or Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Case Western Reserve U
Biomedical Research
Genetic Dissection of Craniofacial Morphologic Traits
Case Western Reserve U
Biomedical Research
Three Dimensional Cephalometric Outcome Assessment of Orthognathic Surgical Procedures
Case Western Reserve U
Center Award
Digitizing a Unique and Historic Longitudinal Collection of Dental Casts
Case Western Reserve University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Mutant DSPP Protein Accumulation in Endoplasmic Reticulum Induces Dentinogenesis Imperfect II Reversed by Proteostasis Regulators
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award / Genetic Factors in External Apical Root Resorption Associated with Orthodontic Treatment
Indiana U
Biomedical Research
The Use Of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 And Dentin Matrix Protein-1 To Enhance The Osteointegration Of The Onplant System
U of Illinois
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of Washington
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Michigan
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Michigan
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewell Memorial Research Award / Central Biologic Mechanisms of FGFR-Association Craniosynostosis
Biomedical Research
Polymer Microsphere Controlled Delivery of Osteoprotegerin for Enhancing Orthodontic Anchorage
University of Michigan
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Developing dental maturity standards for American-Mestizos and Mexican-Mestizos
UT Health /p>
Biomedical Research
Robert L. Boyd Biomedical Research Award / Early Detection of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Investigating the Potenial Role of Orthodontists
TGF-B in the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage Following Functional Protrusion in Growing and Non-growing Rats
Baylor U
Biomedical Research
Phosphatidlyinositol 3-kinase Regulation of Osteoblasts
U of Florida
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / Alveolar Micro-Perforation Using Mini-Implants for Accelerated Tooth Movement in Animal Model
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Award / Effects of Bisphosphonate Administration on Midpalatal Expansion/Retention in an Animal Model
Biomedical Research
Preclinical Evaluation of Bisphosphonates in Stability of Cleft Bone Graft
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award
Preclinical Evaluation of Nanodiamond-Enhanced Estrogen Delivery in Palatal Expansion
Biomedical Research
Role of Osteocytes in Regulating Orthodontic Tooth
Biomedical Research
Developing New Strategies Against Orthodontic Relapse Using microRNAs
U of California, San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / The Cellular and Molecular Responses of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Mechanical Stress
Boston U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / The Role of Primary Cilia in the Responses of MSCs to Mechanical Stress
Research Aid Award
Evaluating Near Infrared Imaging (NIRI) in Intraoral Scanners for Interproximal Caries Detection
Boston U
Hormone Regulation of Bone HDAC4 Through Phosphatase
Perivascular stem cell- loaded photopolymerized methacrylate bone ECM hydrogel in bone regeneration
Identification of Osteogenic Inhibitors Within Pericytes
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Development of Enamel:Identification of a new 70 kDa Supraphosphoprotein in Mineralizing Enamel
U of Washington
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Washington
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Washington
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / Effects of VEGF on Alveolar Bone Remodeling and Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Biomedical Research
Development of Enamel : Identification of a New 70 kDa Supraphosphoprotein in Mineralizing Enamel
Harvard / Children's Hospital Medical Center Boston
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on RANK-L Gene Expression : Insight Into Regulation of Bone Metabolism
U of California - San Francisco / Veteran's Affairs Medical Center
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / Expression of Bone Regulatory Genes (OPG and RANKL) in an in vitro osteoblast differentiation system
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Application of Volumetric Imaging Tools in Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
U of California - San Francisco
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
Building a non-invasive and locally induced reversible osteopenia model for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement through the latest technology of controlled-release drug delivery with poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles
Rutgers University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
Ohio State U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award
Ohio State U
Biomedical Research
Genetic Regulation of Mandibular Bone Mass and Quality in Inbred Mice
Ohio State U
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award / Bisphosphonate Associated Necrosis After mini-Implant Placement and Extraction
Ohio State U
Biomedical Research
Rigidity and Osseointegration of Implants Intended for Orthodontic Applications
Biomedical Research Aid
Digital Workflows in Orthodontics: Trueness and Precision of Scanners and Bracket Erase Software
Medical University of South
Research Aid Award
Influence of Invisalign's Precision Bite Ramp Position on
Deep Bite Correction and Root Length
University at Buffalo
Biomedical Research
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / The in vivo and in vitro effects of known mechanical systems on tooth movement and periodontal ligament cell biology
U of Nebraska
Biomedical Research
Interleukin-1 gene cluster polymorphisms and orthodontic tooth movement
U of Nebraska
3M Unitek Corporate Center Award
Biomechanical, Developmental, and Genetic Determinants for Rate of Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Humans
2005 - 2008
U of Nebraska / UMKC
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award
Long-term Outcomes in a 2-phase Randomized Clinical Trial of Early Class II Treament
U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / Ortho-Omics: Characterization of dysbiotic shifts from oral health to disease
U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Roles of Autophagy in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
2019 - 2021
UNC, Chapel Hill
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of Maryland
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
The Effect of IFT80 in Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Maxillary Expansion
U of Pennsylvania
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
The Effect of Intraflagellar Transport Protein IFT80 in Osteocytes during Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of Pennsylvania
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
San Francisco
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award / Molecular profiling of the active periodontal ligament during mouse orthodontic tooth movement
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Characterization of craniofacial defects in a novel
mouse model for Alagille syndrome
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Burstone Indiana Biomechanics Award /
Novel roles of chondrocyte‐derived bone cells in mechanical strain‐induced TMJ remodeling
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Biomedical Research
Development of sustained fluoride-releasing O-rings for the prevention of white spot lesions
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Biomedical Research
Novel Roles of Chondrocytes in the Normal Growth of Maxilla and Rapid Palatal Expansion
Texas A&M College of Dentistry
Research Aid
Charles J. Burstone Research Aid Award / Use of Temporary Anchorage Devices for Ridge Preservation after Tooth Extraction
University of Maryland
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / Prevalence of White Spot Lesions on Teeth Protected by Filled Resin Sealants
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Biomedical Research
Pulpal Blood Flow Changes in Maxillary Canines During Retraction with Fixed Appliances
Oregon Health and Science U
Research Aid Award
Accuracy of digital indirect bonding using different bracket transfer methods- an in vitro study
U of Illinois
The Fred and Dianne Garrett Biomedical Research Award
Characterization of 3D-Printed Esthetic Orthodontic Brackets
U of Texas Houston
Biomedical Research Award
Optimizing 3D-Printed Orthodontic Models for Thermoformed Appliance Fabrication
U of Texas Houston
Research Aid
Accelerating Tooth Movement by Enhancing the Bone Remodeling Process
Stony Brook
Mechanically Induced Expressed of TGF-Bs in Craniofacial Sutural Explants
U of California - San Francisco
The Role of Hormone Relaxin in Temporomandibular Joint Disease in Women
U of California - San Francisco
Modulation of Osteoblast Activity and Bone Remodeling by Mechanical Strain
U of California - San Francisco
Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology of Root Resorption During Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of California - San Francisco
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / Mechanisms for Translation of Mechanical Loading into Bone Degrative Gene Expression
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Characterizing the Role of Estrogen and Relaxin Receptors in TMJ Disc Degradation
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Predicting Load-Induced Degradation of the TMJ Disc through Finite Element Modeling
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Burstone-Indiana Biomechanics Award / The Role of Osteocyte-Mediated Bone Remodeling in Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis
U of California - San Francisco
Research Aid Award
Bone Characterization in a Novel Dicer-Deficient Mouse Model Specific to Osteocytes
University of Illinois, Chicago
Biomedical Research
The Fred and Dianne Garrett Biomedical Research Award / Development of Optimized Methods for the Direct Fabrication of Orthodontic Aligners via 3D Printing
U of Texas - Houston
Biomedical Research
The Fred and Dianne Garrett Biomedical Research Award / Mechanical and Color Stability of 3D-Printed Orthodontic Brackets
U of Texas - Houston
Biomedical Research
3D-Printed Nasoalveolar Molding Appliances for Cleft Lip and Palate
U of Texas - Houston
Biomedical Research Award
Optimizing Aligner Wear Time and Change Frequency: A Single-Blind, Randomized Control Trial
Biomedical Research Award
A Study to Understand TMJ Function in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
University of Alabama
Research Aid Award
Investigation into Long-Term Stability of Anterior Openbite Correction with Clear Aligners
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Biomedical Research
The Effect of Prostaglandins on the Degree and Rate of Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Biomedical Research Award
Optimizing Aligner Wear Time and Change Frequency: A Single-Blind, Randomized Control Trial
Research Aid
Orthognathic speech pathology: Understanding how jaw disharmonies influence speech
UNC Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Approach to Uncertainty in Clinical Reasoning by Dental Education
Nova Southeastern U
The Effectiveness of Sealants and Argon Laser Irradiation in Preventing Enamel Decalcification during Orthodontic Treatment; an in vitro, in vireo study.
West Virginia U
Biomedical Research
Fracture Energy Assessment Using CBCT: a pilot study for predicting risk of Post-Traumatic Craniofacial deformities
Ohio State University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Pharyngeal Airway Volume Following Maxillomandibular Advancement Surgery Utilizing Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Saint Louis U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Pharyngeal Airflow Analysis in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Pre and Post Maxillomandibular Advancement Surgery
Saint Louis U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Numerical simulation of pharyngeal airways of obstructive sleep apnea patients following maxillomandibular advancement surgery using computational fluid dynamics
Saint Louis U
Biomedical Research Award
The role of bone mineralization in creep deformation
Ohio State U
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Research Award / Relationship of Mineral Distribution with Mechanical Properties of Oral Bone
Mandibular incisor inclination changes produced by Class II elastics in fixed labial orthodontic appliances and clear aligner therapy: A restrospective analysis
Oregon Health & Science University
Blended learning model for cephalometrics amid and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Oregon Health & Science University
Biomedical Research
The Measurement of Acid and Alkaline Phosphates in Gingival Crevicular Fluid During Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of Florida
Biomedical Research
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / Apoptosis of Osteoblasts At Compression Sites During Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of Washington
Orthodontic Educators
Biomedical Research
B.F. Dewel Memorial Biomedical Research Award / Engineering a New Biomaterial for Stem Cell Mediated Bone Regeneration
U of North Carolina
Biomedical Research
Parathyroid Hormone Regulation of the ICEF Promoter in Osteoblastic Cells
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
Mandibular Condylar Growth Mechanisms
Oregon Health Sciences U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Micromechanical Testing of Viable Bone
U of Illinois & Northwestern U
Biomedical Research
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / Aesthetic Composite Arch-wires Processing Improvements and Evaluation of Stress-Relaxation Characteristics
U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Biomedical Research
Enhancing Composite Arch-wire Performance Using Parylene C Surface Coatings
U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Biomedical Research
Enhancing the Aesthetics of Alastik Chain Modules Using Poly (para-xylylene) Surface Coatings
U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Biomedical Research
Influence of Arch-wire Alloy, Interbracket Distance, and Bracket Engagement on the Resistance to Sliding Under Dry and Wet Conditions
U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Biomedical Research
The Effect of Novel Bracket Designs on the Resistance to Sliding in the Wet and Dry States
U of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Patient-Oriented Craniofacial Research
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award
Patient-oriented Craniofacial Research
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award / Patient-oriented Craniofacial Research
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
Graber Family Biomedical Research and Teaching Award / BP-NELL-PEG Systemic Therapy Regenerates Spaceflight-Induced Bone Loss in the Craniofacial Skeleton
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in periodontal ligament remodeling during orthodontic therapy: The role of cyclooxygenase in collagen synthesis and metalloproteinase regulation in vitro
U of Rochester
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award
U of Rochester
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Rochester
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Skeletal and Dental Changes with a Tooth-Borne Hyrax Maxillary Expansion Appliance Compared with Damon System of Archwire/Bracket Expansion Assessed Through Digital Volumetric Imaging
U of Alberta
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / Skeletal and Dental Changes with a Tooth-Borne Hyrax Maxillary Expansion Appliance Compared with Damon System of Archwire/Bracket Expansion Assessed Through Digital Volumetric Imaging
U of Alberta
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Skeletal and Dental Changes with a Tooth-Borne Hyrax Maxillary Expansion Appliance Compared with Damon System of Archwire/Bracket Expansion Assessed Through Digital Volumetric Imaging
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Martin "Bud" Schulman Post-doctoral Fellowship Award / Genetic Markers in Orthodontics
U of Alabama at Birmingham
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award
SUNY - Buffalo
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / The Role of PKC Eta & Theta in Osteoblastic Cell Differentiation
SUNY - Buffalo
Biomedical Research
The Mechanism of Palatal Clefting in Mice Deficient in Col llal Polypeptide
Biomedical Research
Gene therapy-directed osteoinduction in the midpalatal suture of the Sprague Dawley rat
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of California - Los Angeles
Research Aid Award
Identifying Factors that Impact General Dentist Referrals to Orthodontists
U of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Maxillary Expansion in Customized Finite Element Method Models
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Effect of Mini-implants assisted rapid palatal expansion in early and late treatment groups
Accuracy and reliability of a new methodology to monitor root movement in three dimensions during orthodontic treatment
U of California, San Francisco
Research Aid
Effectiveness of a Newly Developed Fluoride-Releasing O-Ring for Prevention of White Spot Lesions
Research Aid
Improving memory of orthodontic treatment information by using a humorous video
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Establishing a rat model for experimental studies of craniofacial growth following cleft lip and palate
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Expression and Function of Numb in Tooth Development
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Willie and Earl Shepard Memorial Fellowship Award / Molecular Genetic Epidemiology of Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip and Palate
U of Iowa
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Mutation Screen of the TGFB3 Gene in Patients with Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip
1998, 1999
Ohio State U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Saint Louis U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
Saint Louis U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award
Bone Biology in Craniofacial Bone Remodeling
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Biomedical Research
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / Three-Dimensional Force Systems from Insertion of Ideal Arch-wires
Virginia Commonwealth U
Biomedical Research
In-Vitro Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Orthodontic Mechanical Force Systems
Virginia Commonwealth U
Biomedical Research
Orthodontic Faculty Recruitment and Retention: Goals and Perception
Virginia Commonwealth U
Center Award
Preservation and Support of Open Access for the Angle Orthodontist
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Role of Mechanical Force in External Apical Root Resorption (EARR) During Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Cellular Molecular Approach
Marquette U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepherd Fellowship Award / Role of Mechanical Force in External Apical Root Resorption (EARR) During Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Cellular Molecular Approach
Marquette U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Roles of Mechanical Factors in External Apical Root Resorption (EARR) during Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Marquette U
Research Aid Award
Dynamic Transcriptome Changes during Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Rats
University of Connecticut
Research Aid Award
Effect of aging on bond strength between orthodontic metallic brackets and enamel
University of Toronto
Research Aid Award
Bone Morphology Characterization of Paget's Disease and Osteoporosis by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Ohio State University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / A Novel 3D Superimposing Technology to Evaluate Mandibular Growth
Indiana University
Biomedical Research Award
Teleorthodontics: Perception and Reliability of Virtual Records for Orthodontic Decision Making
University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine
Characterization of a Biomimetically Enhanced Bio-OSS for Bone Regenerative Applications
U of Illinois at Chicago
The Effect of Applied Orthodontic Forces on the Local Production of Inflammatory Mediators
U of Minnesota
Biomedical Research
Development of a Biochemical Assay for Root Resorption: Immunological Quantitation of Dentin Phosphophoryn in Gingival Crevicular Fluid
Harvard / USC
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP) / "When is a Child Growing? Studies on the Dynamic Cellular and Molecular Events of the Dveloping Skeleton"
Harvard U
Biomedical Research
Genetic Determination of Facial Morphology: Identification of Genes for Mandibular Prognathism by Positional Cloning
U of Southern California
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Phosphorylated Proteins of the Dental Root and their Role in Osteoclastic Recognition and Activity
U of Southern California
Align Technology Corporate Center Award
Creation of 3-Dimentional Virtual Patient in Orthodontics
2001 - 2003
U of Southern California
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
Research Aid Award
Outcome of Surgical and Non-Surgical Techniques for Correction of Excessive Gingival Display
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Treatment Effects of the Edgewise Herbst Appliance: A Cephalometric and Tomographic Investigation
West Virginia U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Oral Health and Orthodontic Literacy Correlated with Oral Health and Orthodontic Status in Eastern North Carolina
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / Treatment Effects Produced by Rapid Maxillary Expansion in the Mixed Dentition
U of Michigan
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
A retrospective evaluation of the change in airway dimensions following non-extraction clear aligner therapy in adult patients with mild to moderate crowding
University of Rochester
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Influence of BMI on gingival health and salivary Candida carriage among adolescents with braces
Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Minnesota
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / Long Term Effect of Continuous Wear of Invisalign® Trays on the Temporo-Mandibular Joints (TMJ) and Muscles of the Facial Complex
Biomedical Research
Class III Clinical Trial: Maxillary Protraction Therapy
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Craniofacial Surface Mapping: Moving Toward a 3-Dimensional Normative Model of the Human Skull
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Research Award / Genetics of Class III Malocclusion in US Caucasians
Orthodontic Faculty
Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepherd Fellowship Award /
2008 - 2011
U of Iowa
Biomedical Research
Biomedical Research
Sequencing SNA13 and TWIST1 to Identify Functional Variants Underlying Malocclusion Phenotypes
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
TGF-ß3: Does it Induce Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Median Edge Epithelial Cells of Fetal Palatal Shelves?
Boston University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / 3D Evaluation of the Effects of Maxillary Incisor Retraction on Palatal Bone and Root Resorption
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
FGFR2-Mediated Signaling in Suture Development: Analysis of a Transgenic Mouse Model for Crouzon/Pfeiffer Syndromes
U of Pennsylvania
Biomedical Research
Rate of Root Resorption in Maxillary Central Incisors
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
Longitudinal Evaluation of Adolescent Craniofacial Morphology and TMJ Disc Status
U of Alberta
B.F. Dewel Honorary Research Award / Computerization of Geoffrey F. Walker's Collection
Case Western Reserve U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
U of California
A cephalometric and Biometric Comparison of Titanium on-implants and Tooth-Borne Appliances as Anchorage for Maxillary Orthopedics
West Virginia U and Louisiana State U
Biomedical Research
A cephalometric and biometric comparison of titanium on-plants and tooth-borne appliances as anchorage for maxillary orthopedics
West Virginia U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / The Role of Osteoclast Differentiation Factors (RANK, RANKL and OPG) in Tooth Movement
U of Southern California
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / 3-D Assessment of Maxillary and Mandibular Changes Associated with Bone Anchored Maxillary Protraction
U of North Carolina
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylord Teaching Fellowship Award / The Use of Shape Correspondence Analysis to Quantify Skeletal changes Associated with Bone-Anchored Maxillary Protraction
U of North Carolina
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Airway Changes Associated with Bone-Anchored Maxillary Protraction
U of North Carolina
Biomedical Research
Concentrations and Distribution of Interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, Tissue Necrosis Factor, and Transforming Growth Factor Cytokines during Orthodontic Movement.
U of Nebraska
Center Award
Align Technology, Inc. Corporate Center Award / Consortium for Ortho Advances in Science and Technology Innovators' Workshops on "Personalized and Precision Orthodontic Therapy"
Biomedical Research
Mechanobehavior & Autonomic Function in Adolescents of Two Facial Types
Oregon Health & Science University
Biomedical Research
Obesity, Oral Inflammation and Timing of Dental Development
U of Illinois - Chicago
Biomedical Research
An Exploratory Study to ascertain if "Relaxin" Might Modulate Sutural Remodeling
Temple U
Biomedical Research
Postbuckling Responses of Arch-wire Segments In Vitro: A Preliminary Study
Saint Louis U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Characterization of the Molecular Level Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy Irradiation on Periodontal Ligament Cells
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / Effects of Exogenous Retinoic Acid and Corticotomy on Inflammatory Process and Bone Remodeling During Tooth Movement
Université de Montréal
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / Effect of Vitamin D on Bone Morphometry and on Stability of Orthodontic Tooth movement (OTM) in Rats
Université de Montréal
Biomedical Research
The use of Immunobead Technology in the Diagnosis and Tracking of Root Resorption
U of Connecticut
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Acceptability and Perceived Effectiveness of Web-based Self-instruction in Clinical Orthodontics
U of North Carolina
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Assessment of the Outcome of Secondary Alveolar bone Grafting of Alveolar Defects in Individuals with Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Assessment of the Outcome of Secondary Bone Grafting of Alveolar Defects in Individuals with Unilateral and Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate
U of California - San Francisco
Biomedical Research
Improving Orthodontic Appliance Compliance with Gamified Digital Rewards
U of California - San Francisco
Oberoi, Snehlata
Center Award
American Orthodontics Corporate Center Award
Digital Health and Medical Device Approaches to Improving Patient Compliance and Treatment Efficacy with Orthodontic Appliances
U of California - San Francisco
Center Award
American Orthodontics Corporate Center Award
Digital Health and Medical Device Approaches to Improving Patient Compliance and Treatment Efficacy with Orthodontic Appliances
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
U of the Pacific
Biomedical Research
Comparison of post-retention changes in treated subjects with growth changes in untreated subjects during the same age interval
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Dynamic fates of resting chondrocytes in the cranial base synchondrosis
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Defining Molecular Regulation of Dental Mesenchymal Progenitors in Tooth Root Formation and Eruption
U of Michigan
Biomedical Research
Development of cellular substitutes for oral mucosa
U of Nijmegen
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Characterization of Dental Enamel Surface Before and After Etching
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Recognition of Malocclusion: Effectiveness of Teaching Dental Students the Index of Complexity, Outcome and Need
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Clinically-determined Need for, and Receipt of, Orthodontic Treatment in Children and Adolescents in San Francisco, California
U of California - San Francisco
Research Aid
Facilitators and Barriers to Providing Orthodontic Care for Patients with Cleft and Craniofacial Anomalies in the State of Illinois
U of Illinois
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
Impact of COVID-19 Induced Closure of Dental Practices on Orthodontic Outcomes/p>
U of Illinois, Chicago
Biomedical Research
Peri-Implant Bone Response to Continuous Horizontal loading: A Comparison Between Porous-surfaced and Threaded Osseointegrated Implants as Orthodontic Anchorage Units.
U of Toronto
Biomedical Research
Gender differences in genioglossus muscle response to the pharyngeal size change
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
Changes in sub-cellular structure of the masseter muscle subjected to stretch
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research Award
Orofacial Bone Growth Defects Triggered by Neonatal Breathing Disturbance
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Three Dimensional Cephalometric Analysis of Facial Morphology
Case Western Reserve U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Computer Applications in Orthodontics
Case Western Reserve U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Three-Dimensional Imaging
Case Western Reserve U
Biomedical Research
Role of orai1 in Osteoblast Differentiation and Function
Biomedical Research
Evaluation of orthodontic apical root resorption using biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid and whole saliva
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Development of Frame Reference in 3D Cephalometric Analysis
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
The Effect of Using Different Frames of Reference on Variation in the Orientation of the Head
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Development of Frame Reference in 3D Cephalometric Analysis
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / Effect of Different Advancement Genioplasty Movement Vectors on Airway and Soft Tissue Chin Morphology
Boston University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / Evaluation of Symmetry in Volumetric and Morphometric Changes in Nasal Cavity, Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Compartments
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Role of Collagenase in Osteoblastic Migration on Collagen
U of Connecticut
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Oral Appliance Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Progression of Long Term Side Effects
U of British Columbia
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Gaylor Teaching Fellowship Award
U of British Columbia
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Maxillary Expansion Treatment of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea
U of British
ColumbiaBiomedical Research
Three-dimensional Facial Morphology and the Use of Non-invasive Ventilation Therapy in Infants
Biomedical Research;
The Effects of Simulated Arch Constriction on Airway Function During Sleep
Center Award
Ormco Corporate Center Award / Periodontal Ligament mechanics under Orthodontic Tooth Loading: A Combined Fiber Optic Experimental and Mechanical Modeling Approach
University of Washington
Biomedical Research
Treatment Outcomes In 3 Modes Of Orthodontic Practice
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontic Fellowship Award / Cranial Suture Biology, Craniosynostosis and Transforming Growth Factor-beta3 (Tgf-Be) Cellular Signaling
U of Nebraska Medical Center
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
U of Nebraska
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
U of Nebraska
Biomedical Research
Role of Parathyroid-Hormone-Related-Protein (PTHrP) in Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of Nebraska
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Evaluation of Material Properties of an Orthodontic Primer Oral® Seal with Potential Long Term Protection Against Enamel Decalcification - a pilot study
Biomedical Research
Continuous Overnight Observation of Human Tooth Eruption
Evaluating the Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) On Anxiety in Pediatric Dental Patients
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award
Biomedical Research
Fred T. Schudy Memorial Research Award / The Search for Soluble Biomarkers of Dentin Resorption
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Research Award / Gene Expression Profile Analysis of Osteoclasts and Odontoclasts
Rudolph, David J.
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Automated Computerized Landmark Identification and Cephalometric Analysis - NO REPORT PROVIDED
U of Southern California
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Clinically based Craniofacial Research Program
Dalhousie U
Biomedical Research
Mechanical and Histological Characterization of Membranous Bone Remodeling Following Sagittal Distraction Osteogenesis of The Mandible
Baylor / Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
A Comparison of Orthodontic Outcomes in Fee-for Service, HMO and MSO Practice
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / Accuracy of Digital and Analogue Cephalometric Measurements Assessed with the Sandwich Technique
Columbia U
Biomedical Research
Accelerated Orthodontic Tooth Movement in Adult Patients by Micro-Perforations of Cortical Bone
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
3-Dimensional morphometric facial analysis to determine the effects of altering the occlusal vertical dimension.
U of Pennsylvania
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award / An Evaluation of the Effect of Head Position on Facial Soft Tissue Using Stereophotogrammetry
U of Pennsylvania
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Friction Between Different Self-Ligating Brackets/Archwire Couples During Sliding Mechanics
U of Pennsylvania
Mechanical Bone Induction in the Hypoplastic Mandible by Intraoral Distraction Osteogenesis
U of California - Las Angeles
Biomedical Research Award
The Application of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) in Dentofacial Deformity
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Biomedical Research
Molecular Studies on Tooth Eruption In a Mouse Model of Human Cleidocranial Dysplasia
U of Texas - Houston
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award
Nova Southeastern U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award
Nova Southeastern U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Longitudinal Growth Analysis of Mandibular Asymmetry in Unoperated Patients with Unilateral Craniofacial Microsomia (UCFM)
NYU - Langone Medical
Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Correction of Facial Asymmetry in Patients with Unilateral Craniofacial Microsomia Using Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM): An Evaluation of Post-Surgical Results
NYU - Langone Medical Center
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Skeletal and Dentoalveolar Changes Following the Use of a Bonded Protraction Headgear Appliance in Patients Born with CLCP
Biomedical Research
Treatment effect of nasoalveolar molding (NAM) on maxillary arch morphology in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate
Biomedical Research
by Identifying Barriers and Demystifying Burden of Care
NYU - Langone Medical
Biomedical Research
Extracellular Vesicles for Endogenous Progenitor Cell Homing to Regenerate Condylar Fibrocartilage in Temporomandibular Joint
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Martin "Bud" Schulman Postdoctoral Fellowship Award / Carbonated Apatite Coated Gene Activated Matrices for Enhanced Bone Tissue Regeneration
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Fracture Energy Assessment Using CBCT: a pilot study for predicting risk of Post-Traumatic Craniofacial deformities
University of Iowa
Biomedical Research
Anti-fibrotic Effect of Exosomes on Human
Temporomandibular Joint Tissues: A Pilot Study
University of Iowa
Biomedical Research
Follicular Apoptosis and Collagenase Expression during Eruption
U of Maryland
Biomedical Research
Follicular Apoptosis and Collagenase Expression During Eruption
U of Maryland
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Honorary Research Award / Osteoblasts Function During Tooth Eruption
Virginia Commonwealth U
Biomedical Research
Orthodontic Closing Loop Design, Optimization and Verification
U of Otego / Vanderbilt
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
NOVA Southeastern U
Analysis of a Mathematical Model of Craniofacial Growth
U of the Pacific
Biomedical Research
Development of a Liposome-Based Carrier System for Stimulants of Bone Growth
U of the Pacific
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Honorary Research Award / Trans-mucosal Delivery of Drugs to the Periodontum
U of the Pacific
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / Developing a 3D Diagnostic Model of Asymmetric Pubertal Jaw Growth
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / Three Dimensional Age-Related Changes of the Adult Face
Biomedical Research
Fred and Dianne Garrett Biomedical Research Award / Volumetric analysis of the midface and lips at rest and upon smile in females and males of various ages and ethnic backgrounds
U of Alabama at Birmingham
GAC International Corporate Center Award
Development of an Internet Database for Facial Growth Collections and Database Entry of the Iowa Facial Growth Study Lateral Cephalometric Radiographs
2002 - 2004
U of Iowa
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Assessment of jaw growth using biomarkers in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid - a pilot study
Research Aid Award
Secondary Alveolar Bone Grafting Timing Comparison in Non-Syndromic Complete Cleft Lip and Palate
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Gingival Clefts - Evaluation of the characteristics that make one more susceptible to gingival clefts. (A preparation for In Vivo Tissue Engineering for Orthodontists and Dentofacial Orthopedics: Morphing one with Nonautogenous Bone Graft Followed by Orthodontic Tooth Movement")
Do Mutation in Collegin 11 Cause Non-Syndromic Familial Micrognatia or Pierre-Robin Syndrome?
Montefiore Medical Center
Research Aid
In Vitro Evaluation of Osteoblast Response and Activity on Carbon Nanotube-coated Titanium Surfaces
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / In Vitro Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Chlorhexidine Hexametaphosphate (CHX-HMP) Nanoparticle Coatings on Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains and Ligature Ties
Roseman University
Biomedical Research Award
Evaluation of Remineralization of White Spot Lesions with Quercetin Nanoparticles
Roseman University of Health Sciences
Post-doctoral Fellowship Award
Post-doctoral Fellowship Award / Regional Variation and Mechanoregulation of Pig mandibular Periosteal Cells
2008 -2010
Ohio State U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepherd Fellowship Award / Characterize and Validate Pig Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
The Ohio State University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepherd Fellowship Award / Use Autologous Bone Marrow Stromal Cells to Enhance Pig Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis
The Ohio State University
Biomedical Research
Enhance alveolar and symphyseal bone surface growth with autologous stem cell sheets
Research Aid
Comparing the Mandibles and Eruption Patterns of 2 Osteocyte-specific Dicer Deficient Mouse Models
University of Illinois Chicago
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award
Tufts U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
U of Toronto
Biomedical Research
Growth pattern of soft tissue profile in children with complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate (UCLP) and identification of clinically relevant predictors of profile development from childhood to maturity
Biomedical Research
Integrated role of Orthodontics in the Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Management of Children with Temporomandibular Joint Involvement in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Understanding the enigmatic, dwarfed mandible in non syndromic Pierre Robin Sequence, its morphology, growth, associated clinical burdens and implications
Research Aid Award
Staining Ability on Retainer Materials and Effects of Cleaning Methods on Stained Retainer Materials
U of Illinois at Chicago
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
State U of New York at Buffalo
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
State U of New York at Buffalo
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
State U of New York at Buffalo
Biomediacal Research Awards
Where you originate from matters - A Comparison of Jaw and Long Bone Osteoclast Precursors
U of Minnesota
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Candidate Gene Studies of Mandibular Prognathism Using DNA Samples Acquired from Patients' Saliva
U of Pittsburgh
Center Award
TP Orthodontics Corporate Center Award
Periodontal ligament osteoblast recruitment in orthodontic tooth movement
Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Biomedical Research
B.F. Dewel Memorial Research
Award / Engineering Growing Bone
New York U
The Differential Gene Expressions in Premature Closure of Sutures
U of California - Los Angeles and Harvard U
The Differential Molecular Mechanisms of Normal and Premature Cranial Suture Closure
U of California - Los Angeles
Characterization of Nel-Homolog, a De Novo Gene with EGF-Like Repeats, in Craniosynostosis
U of California - Los Angeles
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Willie and Earl Shepard Memorial Fellowship Award / Teaching Enhancement Award / Loan Program
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
The mechanistic role of NELL-1 in cranioynostosis
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
The Role of NELL-1 in Premature Cranial Suture Fusion
U of California - Los Angeles
Biomedical Research
Perceptions on Faculty Recruitment, Retention, and Success in Dental Academia
U of North Carolina
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award
Virginia Commonwealth U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Eugene E. West Memorial Fellowship Award / "Development of a Sustained Fluoride Releasing System"
Virginia Commonwealth U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Development of Resin Modified Bioactive Glass Ionomer Cement for Orthodontic Bonding
Biomedical Research
Fred F. Schudy Memorial Research Award / Development of a Sustained Releasing System for Orthodontics
Virginia Commonwealth U
Biomedical Research
Effects of Maxillary Protraction With and Without Palatal Expansion
U of California -Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T. M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award / Headgear Compliance and the Uses of Smart Phone App
Saint Louis Univ
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontic Fellowship Award
U of Connecticut
Research Aid Award
Biomechanics of Cantilever Springs for Anchorage Reinforcement: A Three-Dimensional Analysis
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
The effects of Corticision on Differential Forces in a Rat Model
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Maxillary Expansion in an Animal Model: Light Buccal Loads Simulating Clinical Mechanics
Biomedical Research
The Effect of Intermittent PTH on Mandibular Condylar Cartilage
Indiana University
Biomedical Research Award
The Effect of Raising the Bite on the Muscles of Mastication
Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
T.M. Graber Teaching Fellowship Award /
Genetic Determinants of Craniofacial Characteristics
Case Western Reserve U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / A Genetic Epidemiology approach to Congenital Hypodontia
Case Western Reserve U
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Willie and Earl Shepard Memorial Fellowship Award / The Temporal and Spatial Expression Patterns of the Syndecans during Mouse Mandibular Morphogenesis
U of California - San Francisco
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / X chromosome Inactivation Patterns in Patients Diagnosed with a Syndromic Form of Cleft Lip and Palate, Craniofrontonasal Dysplasia
U of Iowa
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / X chromosome Inactivation Patterns in Patients Diagnosed with a Syndromic Form of Cleft Lip and Palate, Craniofrontonasal Dysplasia
U of Iowa
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Identification of a Gene Locus for Familial Tooth Agenesis in the Human Genome
Harvard U
Identification of a Gene Locus for Peg-shaped Maxillary Lateral Incisors in the Human Genome
Harvard U
Mechanisms by Which an MSXI Mutation Causes Human Tooth Agenesis
New York U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Albert P. Westfall Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Influence of Variations of Masseter Muscle Phenotype on Facial Form
U of Pittsburgh
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award / Genomic Studies in Hemi-Facial Microsomia and Pierre-Robin Patients
U of Missouri - Kansas City
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert E. Binder Teaching Fellowship Award / Genomic Analyses in Ameloblastoma
U of Missouri - Kansas City
Biomedical Research Award
Analyses of microRNA Target-site Polymorphisms in Craniofacial Microsomia
University of Iowa College of Dentistry
Biomedical Research
Treatment Outcomes: Effectiveness and Efficiency Studies
Ohio State U
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / Effect of initial stress and time on orthodontic external root resorption
New York U
Biomedical Research
Mechanotransduction of Orthodontic External Root Resorption
Loma Linda University
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program (TELP)
Teaching Enhancement Award/Loan Program
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Subtelny, Baker, Eastman Teaching Fellowship Award
U of the Pacific
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Identification and Characterization of Novel Genes Involved in Midface Hypoplasia with Craniosynostosis
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Martin "Bud" Schulman Post-doctoral Fellowship Award / The Relationship of Craniofacial Synchondroses/Sutures to Midface Growth and Hypoplasia
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Michael Matlof Memorial Teaching Fellowship Award / Morphogenesis During Human Fetal Craniofacial Growth and Development
Univ of British Columbia
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Role of Colony Stimulating Factor -1 Receptor in Odontogenesis
Univ of British Columbia
Biomedical Research
Signaling Pathways for the Fluid Shear Stress Induction of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Murine Osteoblats
U of Connecticut
Research Aid Award
Comparison of Outcomes with Non-extraction and Extraction in Borderline Class I and II Malocclusions
University of Toronto
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Willie and Earl Shepard Fellowship Award (Judged most meritorious Fellowship Award) / Transgenic Mouse Model of Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis
2006 - 2009
U of Connecticut
Research Aid Award
TRPV1 Expressing Afferents Mediate Orthodontic Tooth Movement Via Piezo2
The Ohio State University
Willie and Earl Shepard Memorial Fellowship Award / Studies of Transforming growth Factor-Beta levels and Expression during Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of Rochester / U of Florida
Studies of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Levels and Expression during Orthodontic Tooth Movement
U of Florida
Biomedical Research
Relationship of Headgear Force Duration and Magnitude on Craniofacial Growth and Tooth Movement
U of Florida
Biomedical Research
Efficacy of Palatal Expansion Utilizing Two Different Appliances
U of Illinois
Will, Leslie
Center Award: Planning
The AAOF Craniofacial Growth Legacy Collections: Pilot and Planning
Tufts U
Research Aid
Conducting a Pilot Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of a Newly Developed Chemical Formula for Managing Brackett-Induced Plaque Formation
U of California - Los Angeles
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Explore Microbiome Associated with Orthodontic Complications
State Univ of New York at Buffalo
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Anthony A. Gianelly Teaching Fellowship Award / The Role of Primary Cilia in the Responses of MSCs to Mechanical Stress
Biomedical Research
Studies of Cell Lineage in the Condylar Cartilage of Temporomandibular Joint
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award / Role and Mechanism of Bone Morphogenic Protein 2 in Mandibular Condylar Cartilage
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Research Award
BMP2 signaling in mandibular condylar cartilage
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
B. F. Dewel Memorial Research Award / PTH Medicated Regulation of the Chondrogenic Lineage in the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage
Biomedical Research
Mechanism of Anti-TGF Beta for the Treatment of the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage in Osteogenesis Imperfecta
U of Connecticut
Biomedical Research
Role of PTH in Mandibular Chondrocytes De-differentiation
U of Connecticut
Research Aid
Role and Mechanism of Bone Morphogenitic Protein 2 Action in Cementogenesis
U of Connecticut
Research Aid Award
Testing and Delivery of LATS1/2 Modified Bone Marrow Stromal Cells for Bone Regeneration
University of Michigan
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Biomaterials for regeneration of palatal defects
University of Michigan
Research Aid
Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Class II Treatment in an Adolescent Patient Population Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
U of the Pacific
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Orhan C. Tuncay Teaching Fellowship Award / Biological Response to Mechanical Loading in Alveolar Bone
U of Missouri - Kansas City
Biomedical Research
Guidance of Mandibular Distraction With Elastic Forces
U of Southern California
Biomedical Research
Predictors of Successful Alveolar Bone Graft: A Prospective Study Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Research Aid Award
Real-time 3D analysis of airborne particles produced during orthodontic composite attachment removal
University of Washington
Molecular Determinants of root resorption due to orthodontic forces
U of Southern California
Molecular Determinants of root resorption due to orthodontic forces
U of Southern California
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award /
Comparison of Facial Soft Tissue Changes in African-American Patients Treated with Extraction and Non-extraction using 3D Facial Imaging
Jacksonville University
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Comparison of transverse and circummaxillary suture changes in different maxillary expansion protocols
The University of British Columbia
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship
Three-dimensional upper airway changes after maxillary protraction with alternative rapid maxillary expansion and constriction
The University of British Columbia
Zou, Bingshuang
Orthodontic Faculty Development Fellowship Award
The Treatment Outcome of Invisalign First Treatment
The University of British Columbia
Biomedical Research Awards
Artificial intelligence-assisted assessment for incidental findings on lateral cephalograms
The University of British Columbia